Celebrating life's everyday hidden and unexpected treasures. Turning ordinary moments into extraordinary experiences.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Celebrate the Snow!

I've received calls and emails from family and friends from Pennsylvania to Georgia who are being swamped with monsterous amounts of snow.  As I'm writing I can look out my window and see snow steadily falling.  Snow in Michigan is no big news flash, but snow in Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina is a BIG deal.  Why not turn lemons into lemonade?  In this case why not turn snow into Snow Cream?

My friend Gail has a ritual from her childhood that she performs every time there's a good snow fall in Charlotte, North Carolina which entails collecting snow and making Snow Cream.  When Gail emailed last night she informed me that she'd already had three bowls of Snow Cream by 9:00 a.m. that morning!  It's her cold weather indulgence.  I've never made Snow Cream before and asked  her for the recipe to share. 

Make the most of a snowy situation.  Build plenty of snowmen/women, construct fancy snow forts, have plenty of snowball fights, and celebrate the snow with a bowl of Snow Cream.  I'll be making Snow Cream this evening and I hope you will too.  Thanks Gail!

Snow Cream

Collect clean snow by setting out a large bowl and letting the snow fall into it. 
You can also scoop the top layer of snow from your car!

1 can evaporated milk
1 cup milk
1 cup sugar
1 T vanilla

Combine first four ingredients in a bowl and stir until sugar is dissolved. 
Scoop some snow into a smaller bowl and slowly add a little milk mixture.
Stir until it reaches the consistency of ice cream adding more snow
and milk as needed.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could've been there to eat some. You guys always have all the fun when I'm not around. Boo!!!lol
